INTRODUCING: Valusian Steel!
Back From Delays, New Content, New Media!
Expanding Operations on YouTube a Bit. New Channels @TheShemiteCycle & @TheKingdomOfShem
“New Stories of Sword & Sorcery, Slum & Skullduggery, and Adventures from An Age Undreamed Of…”
The Hyborian Archives
More Content and Lore Updates available at The Hyborian Archives including Primer Pages for the Kingdom of Koth, Ophir & Shem!
Now On Rumble
For Those Who are joining us from YouTube: We are now focusing almost entirely on new content for RUMBLE, as posting anything worthwhile on YouTube has become a chore if not a total impossibility.
YouTube will be used for little more than a platform to advertise what is on RUMBLE. The reason for this is simple. I am currently capped at 3 channels on YouTube, severely hobbled and 2 more that are barely able to post anything.
I have around 24 Channels on RUMBLE and ALL of them now have content. 31 Total, some of which are still in the final phases of launching.
WELCOME, Travelers!
With the website finally up and running and Rumble having given my projects a stable platform, I am close to resuming work on the Larger CONAN & DUNE related projects.
To Say That The Babe Of The Week feature is getting an upgrade would be an understatement.